Shell Mould Casting

Shell Mould Casting

At BHUMI PRECISION, we are a leading manufacturer based in India specializing in Investment Castings, Sand Castings, Shell Mould Castings, Forgings, and Precision Machined Components. With our commitment to delivering high-quality components that meet design and technical specifications, we have established a reputation for excellence. As our name suggests, precision is at the core of what we do, and we strive to provide a diverse range of products to customers in the United States of America, Canada, India, Germany, and beyond. Our expertise lies in shell mould casting, a process that combines the precision of investment casting with the economical pricing of sand casting. By using resin sand in an automatic mold at high temperatures, we create a shell mould that allows us to pour metal and produce intricate shapes with superior surface finish. Our shell mould castings range from 300 grams up to 100 Kg in weight, with a maximum size of 635mm X 635mm X 635mm. We adhere to ISO 8062-3 DCTG 8 & DCTG 9 tolerances and similar international standards, ensuring the highest level of quality and precision in our products.

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